
Why form a Sustainability and Transformation Partnership and what is it?

Health and care providers and commissioners (those organisations who manage the funding of service providers) are fully committed to providing safe and high quality care to people across Lincolnshire.

To help us achieve this we have formed a Sustainability and Transformation Partnership. This partnership is made up of doctors, nurses, health practitioners, care providers, voluntary groups, managers, council officials and the most important partner – the population of Lincolnshire.

As a result we can build a system fit for the future where everyone understands their local health and care provision and everyone who needs to access our services gets the best possible treatment at the right time.

We understand the need to work with a common purpose, to continue raising standards and to ensure that we deliver the best possible outcomes for people who need to access our health and care services at any time in their lives.

We believe that if we apply our collective resources and support to a single, agreed system we can deliver better outcomes for all and make sure that every penny we spend is spent wisely.

Together we can be better


Sustainability and Transformation Plans

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